Friday, 15 December 2017


Here you can find all the expressions and vocabulary we have learnt during this unit called: MAKING MONEY.

TO APPEAL TO SOMEONE: To interest or catch the attention of someone.

TO CLAIM: To say that something is true although you aren't able to prove it.

TO BID: To offer a particular amount of money for something that is for sale and compete against other people to buy it.

A FUNDRAISING AUCTION: A place where you can volunteer and sell your services to the highest bidder.

SLOGAN: A catchy phrase used in an advert, easy to remember.

Resultado de imagen de slogan
BROKEN ENGLISH: Bad English                                                                                                         
HE'S THE SALT OF THE EARTH: A person who is good and honest, you can always depend on.
HE'S AS STUBBORN AS A MULE: A person who is determined to do whatever the y want and unwilling to change their mind.
HE'S A KILLJOY: A person who likes to spoil other people's enjoyment.
HE'S A SLAVE DRIVER: A person who makes people work extremely hard.
HE'S A WINDBAG: A person who talks to much, and doesn't say anything interesting or important.
HE'S A COUCH POTATO: A lazy person.
HE'S GOT A CHIP ON HIS SHOULDER: A person who feels angry because the think they have been treated unfairly especially because of sex and race.
HE'S A STICK IN THE MUD: A person who is unwilling to try anything new or do anything exciting.
HE'S A COLD FISH: A person who behaves in an unfriendly way and without strong emotions.
HE'S A BIT OF A LONER: A person who is often alone or who prefers to be alone rather than with other people.
HE'S AN AWKWARD CUSTOMER: A person, group or thing that causes problem, usually because they won't behaved properly. Hard to deal with.

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