Hi, dear bretonians. I can't believe that is is going to be my last post in this blog but, you know, all things come to an end. I'm quite confused right now, because on the one hand, I'm sure that I'm gonna miss my classmates, my teachers and this high school in general. I still can remember some of my lessons or trips in first of ESO . Time flies... But, on the other hand, I really want to meet new people at my new high school. Hope everything goes well next year...
Anyway, today I'm going to do my self-assessment.
As you can imagine, this term has been really hard because we had to take plenty of exams and to make many projects in a very short period of time. However, I'm quite happy with my results because all my effort has being paid off.
In English we've learnt many interesting things about culture such as the history of manners or the new transport that will be developed during the following years. Now, I can write a formal email with the correct linking and sequencing words. Cristina has also taught us different vocabulary about manners,the weather. reporting verb and even plenty of phrasal verbs. But my favourite part was creating the "Tomas Bretón memories video" which I have uploaded yesterday. Watching my classmates' projects was great too! There are amazing ones!
In ICT we have made a video imitating a famous portrait. Mine was "The Lady with an Ermine". This project was quite interesting because we learnt how to use an amazing app called Canvia. I have really enjoyed during this lessons.
In PE each one had to design a PE lesson on his/her own. I did it about Acrosport. I liked this project because we had to explain it in English in front of the class so we learnt some new expressions and we had a great time playing all together.
I think that my English has improved a lot during these four years and I'm quite happy with the level that I have because I can understand easily a conversation in English and I'm able to speak in this language without many difficulties.
I won't never forger these high school years, they've been great.
Have a nice summer and enjoy it!