Tuesday, 20 June 2017


TERTIARY SECTOR: Economic sector that involves activities that do not produce material products,but which instead provide individuals, companies and the government with services such as transport,healthcare,tourism,education,administration and banking.

TOURISM: Movement of people away from their regular home or place of residence to another area, for leisure and for a period of longer tan a day.

TRADE: Economic activity that involves buying and selling products and services.

TRANSPORT: Movement of people and goods from one point to another, using a particular vehicle or mode of transport and a transport network.

SAVINGS BANK: Financial institution that promotes saving.

LOAN: Money a person receives from a bank and which they have to pay back, with interest, within a period of time

An agreement between two or more countries to reduce or remove any taxes on goods traded between them, and to charge the same taxes on goods imported from other countries.

PERISHABLE PRODUCT: Liable to spoil or decay.


TRADING BLOCS:Associations that encourage international trade between their members.

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