Sunday, 19 February 2017


We've already studied UNIT 3:CHOICES,CHOICES so here's all the new vocabulary I've learnt.

SALES: An offer in which goods are sold at a discount.

BARGAIN: Something on sale at a lower price than its true value.

WASTE YOUR MONEY: Spend your money in things you don't need, without any control.

CAN AFFORD: To have the financial means for something

STEWARDESS: Air hostess, flight attendant.

IS WORTH:"vale la pena", It has got a value

TO LEND: To give something to someone for a short period of time, expecting it to be given back.

TO BORROW: To get or receive something from someone with the intention of giving it back after a period of time.

I'VE GOT MY EYE ON...: You saw something that you like.

WE'RE AFTER..: We're looking for...


Resultado de imagen de union jack png

Resultado de imagen de sport gear
MOUTH-WATERING: Something that smells or looks very good.
STALLS:A large table or a small shop with an open front from which goods are sold in a public place.
CUISINE: Particular style of cooking of a place.
SOUR: Having a sharp,sometimes unpleasant, taste or smell, like a lemon, and not sweet.
Now, here are all the new phrasal verbs:
JOIN IN: To partcipate in something.
CATCH UP: To reach someone who is in front of you.
TRY OUT: Test something to see how good it is.
PICK UP: Learn a new skill by chance.
TAKE UP:Start a new hobby.
MISS OUT:Lose an opportunity to do something enjoyable.
FILL UP: To make something full.
QUEUE UP: To wait in a line of people.
SET UP: The way in which things are organized.
TURN UP: Go to,visit.
WASH UP: Clean dishes.
And here's also some grammar :

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