Sunday, 16 October 2016


Here is the vocabulary releted to UNIT 2: THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT

-Maritime: Type of climate that is found on the western edge, with mild temperatures(0-12ºC) and little temperature variation. The storms which penetrate from the Athlantic create a region of abundant precipitations throughout the whole year.

      Flora: Forests (oaks, beeches, pines)

Resultado de imagen de oakResultado de imagen de beech treeResultado de imagen de pine tree

 Shrubs, thickets,heather and grassland

Resultado de imagen de shrubsResultado de imagen de thicketsResultado de imagen de heather plant

Resultado de imagen de grassland

Fauna: Deers, foxes,salmon,seals, water birds
Resultado de imagen de foxResultado de imagen de deerResultado de imagen de salmonResultado de imagen de sealsResultado de imagen de water birds
-Mediterranean: This type of climate is found throughout the continent. It has higher temperatures(7-20ºC)  as well as lower and more irregular precipitation with vey dry summers.
Flora: Shrubs(maquis),thickets,clear forests(pine), meadowns(holm oak, cork oak)Resultado de imagen de holm oakResultado de imagen de maquis shrubsResultado de imagen de cork oak
 Fauna: Lynx,fox,rabbit,boar,fallow deer, stork, vulture, reptiles, birds...Resultado de imagen de lynxResultado de imagen de rabbitResultado de imagen de boar
Resultado de imagen de fallow deerResultado de imagen de storkResultado de imagen de vulture
-Continental: This type of climate has lower temperaturas(0-10ºC) and huge temperature contrasts.
Precipitation is medium or low(snow and summer rains)
Flora:Taiga(forest), steppe(grasslands) and mixed forests(firs, pines, birches)Resultado de imagen de taigaResultado de imagen de steppeResultado de imagen de firsResultado de imagen de birches
Fauna: Brown bear, wolf ,fox,marten,mink, deer, raptors
Resultado de imagen de brown bearResultado de imagen de martenResultado de imagen de wolf

Resultado de imagen de mink
-Alpine: The altitude causes a decrease in temperatures(-0ºC) and an increase in precipitation. Found on mountain ranges.
Flora: Depending on the height(altitudional zonation), forests and Alpine pastures.
Fauna:Deer, Wolf, bear, chamois,marmot and eagles.

Resultado de imagen de chamoisResultado de imagen de marmota animal
-Polar:This type of climate is located beyond The Artic Circle. It has a Little precipitation, mostly in form of snow, an very low temperatures(below zero) 

Flora:Tundra(grass and bushes)                                    

Resultado de imagen de tundra
Fauna: Reindeer,seal and whale
Resultado de imagen de reindeer
Resultado de imagen de whale

Friday, 14 October 2016


Here are the new words that I learnt during this first unit:

GEOGRAPHY: Science that aims to identify, contextualise, describe, explain and relate the different facts and phenomena that are associated with territories.
ANTHROPIC:  Not created by humans, artificial.
SOIL: Land, ground.
SUPRANATIONAL UNIT: Assotiation of different countries that have the same political, economic, culural or social interests. Ex: European Unión
CARTOGRAPHY: Discipline that is concerned with representing territories, from the smallest ones to the Earth as a whole.
PORTULAN CHARTS: Type of maps that dispayed the coasts in great detail because they were used to navigate the sea.

Resultado de imagen de hand fan

CITY PLAN: Representation of very small places in great detail that show the layout of the streets, the location of squares, transport infraestructures(roads, airports, railways...), the most important buildings and monuments...

GIT: Geographic Information Technology is a group of methods and techniques used to find out about and represent territories.
TIMBER: Wood used for industry.
DAM: A barrier constructed across a waterway to control the flow or rise the level of the water.
IRRIGATION SYSTEM: To supply(land or crops) with wáter by means of pipes, sprinkles, ditches ans streams.

 IT LIES...: It is located/ situated...
EARTHQUAKE: Sudden movement of the ground caused by movements within the earth's crust.
TO FLOOD: An overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry.
MOUNTAIN RANGE: Group of mountains.
FIRE INSURANCE: Insurance covering damage ot loss caused by fire or lightning.
Resultado de imagen de grasshopper

BOUNDARIES OF COUNTRIES: Limits of countries.
RAINFOREST:  A dense evergreen forest  usually located in the tropics with a minimun annual rainfall of approximately 180 centimeters.