Friday, 15 December 2017


  • What can I do that I couldn't do before?
  • What did I like most?
  • What did I do well?
  • What am I confused about?
  • What did I do in English outside the class?
  • What do I need to improve?
  • What did I learn about culture?

  • This term has been quite hard in general because we had lots of things to do from different subjects.

    In English classes I've learnt plenty of new expressions and vocabulary related to personality and advertising. Now I can distinguish between a toxic friend and a good friend, talk about cyberbullying or write a formal letter. Also Cristina and Michael taught us some idioms. Some of them are really curious and I find them very useful. Most of them where new for me!!! As we are only 7 students this year, everyone talks a lot and this way we improve our speaking, which I think is really important.

    In ICT we learnt how to create a Sway presentation, how to edit images with GIMP and lots of key terms about this apps. It was really interesting!!

    In PE Chuchi taught us how to play handball, badminton and basketball, and how to strecht correctly. Also we  learnt some vocabulary about these sports and healthy food.

    What I liked most is "Heal the world videoclip" because working with the kids in first of ESO was great and the final result is quite well.

    In general I'm quite happy with all the skills. My favourites are listening, grammar and translation but all of them are really useful!!!

    I'm not confused about anything because I think I have studied enough for my English exams and I did my best but of course I can improve next term and I will try to do it.

    Outside the class I'm always listening to music, watching videos on the internet or just browsing the web! I love English so I'm always practising it at home.

    I should update my blog as soon as possible, but for me this is really difficult because I have to do a lot of things every week . Finally I managed to post everything so I'm quite proud of myself.

    I learnt a lot about culture in English classes, like social media and apps created to fight against cyberbullying, the history of advertising, lots of idioms...



    Here you can find all the expressions and vocabulary we have learnt during this unit called: MAKING MONEY.

    TO APPEAL TO SOMEONE: To interest or catch the attention of someone.

    TO CLAIM: To say that something is true although you aren't able to prove it.

    TO BID: To offer a particular amount of money for something that is for sale and compete against other people to buy it.

    A FUNDRAISING AUCTION: A place where you can volunteer and sell your services to the highest bidder.

    SLOGAN: A catchy phrase used in an advert, easy to remember.

    Resultado de imagen de slogan
    BROKEN ENGLISH: Bad English                                                                                                         
    HE'S THE SALT OF THE EARTH: A person who is good and honest, you can always depend on.
    HE'S AS STUBBORN AS A MULE: A person who is determined to do whatever the y want and unwilling to change their mind.
    HE'S A KILLJOY: A person who likes to spoil other people's enjoyment.
    HE'S A SLAVE DRIVER: A person who makes people work extremely hard.
    HE'S A WINDBAG: A person who talks to much, and doesn't say anything interesting or important.
    HE'S A COUCH POTATO: A lazy person.
    HE'S GOT A CHIP ON HIS SHOULDER: A person who feels angry because the think they have been treated unfairly especially because of sex and race.
    HE'S A STICK IN THE MUD: A person who is unwilling to try anything new or do anything exciting.
    HE'S A COLD FISH: A person who behaves in an unfriendly way and without strong emotions.
    HE'S A BIT OF A LONER: A person who is often alone or who prefers to be alone rather than with other people.
    HE'S AN AWKWARD CUSTOMER: A person, group or thing that causes problem, usually because they won't behaved properly. Hard to deal with.