We've already finished this unit called:
MAKING A DIFFERENCE. So here you can find all the expressions and vocabulary we learnt:
SUPPORTIVE: A person who gives help and encouragement.
DEPENDABLE: A person that you can trust.
IS EAGER TOO: Really wanting to do something.
TACTFUL: Delicate.
TACTLESS: Heartless
COUCH POTATO: Sluggish, lazy.
FOOLISH:Stupid, silly.
I CAN'T HELP...!: To not be able to control or stop something.
TO BOAST:To speak to proudly or happily about what you have done or what you own.
TO MAKE THE MOST OF:To use or enjoy something as much as possible.
You can visit Cristina's blog
clicking here and this way you'll be able to learn new adjectives and expressions related to toxic friends.