Monday, 24 April 2017


Hi guys!
Today I'm going to share with you some easy ways to protect our environment.

  1. PLANT TREES: We need trees to survive because they give oxygen and fruits, they clean the air, provide shelter to wildlife , prevent soil erosion. So, plant small trees around your home and don't cut them unless it's necessary.
  2. CONSERVE WATER: Conserving water reduces the amount of energy that is needed to filter it. Few ways are: take short showers, keep the running tap close while you brush your teeth, recycle water in your home..
  3. USE LESS FOSSIL FUEL BASED PRODUCTS: Find out what products you use that are made using fossil fuel based products and processes and use them less or replace them-
  4. REDUCE(Reducing what is produced and what is consumed), REUSE(For a different purpose instead of sending them to landfills), RECYCLE(Means that something will be transformed again into a raw material that can be shaped into a new item).
  5. STOP LITTERING:Stop people from littering on roads.
  6. PROTECT WILDLIFE: Protect places like beaches and forests that are habitats for animals.
  7. START CYCLING:Biking instead of driving can reduce more tan 90 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.
  8. SHOP ON-LINE:Buying on-line almost always involves less energy use and fewer carbon dioxide emissions than in-store shopping

Sunday, 2 April 2017




-Wheat: Trigo.

-Barley: Cebada.

-Corn: Maiz.

-Sorghum: Sorgo.

-Millet: Mijo.

-Oats: Centeno.


-Chickpeas: Garbanzos.

-Lentils: Lentejas.

-Cucumber: Pepino.

-Sugar cane: Caña de azúcar

-Sugar beet: Remolacha azucarera.

-Soybeans: Soja.

-Alfalfa: Alfalfa.


-Cotton: Algodón.

-Sunflower: Girasol.


-Linen: Lino.

-Jute: Yute.

-Sisal: Cuerda natural

-Hemp: Cánamo.


-Palm oil: Aceite de palma.

-Peanut oil: Aceite de cacahuete.


-Yam: Batata.

-Avocado: Aguacate

-Dates: Dátiles.

CONIFERS: Coníferos

-Pine: Pino

-Fir: Abeto


-Birch: Abedul.

-Beech: Halla.

-Maple: Arce.

-Oak: Roble.


-Ebony: Ébano.

-Teak: Teca.

-Mahogany: Caoba.

-Cedar: Cedro.


-Sardine: Sardina.

-Hake: Merluza.

-Whiting: Pescadilla.

-Bonito: Bonito, atún.

-Tuna: Bonito, atún.

-Octopus: Pulpo.

-Cuttlefish: Sepia.

-Squid: Calamar.

-Mussel: Mejillón.

-Clam: Almeja.
-King prawn: Camraón real.

-Prawn: Gamba.

-Spider crab:

-Cod: Bacalao.

-Anchovy: Anchoa.
-Herring: Arenque.

-Trout: Trucha.

-Carp: Carpa.

-Turbot: Rodaballo.

-Salmon: Salmón.

-Sea bream: Besugo.

-Sea bass: Lubina.

-Oysters: Ostras.


-Lobster: Langosta.

-Sole: Lenguado.


GOODS: Objects that have a use or value for the person who possesses them.

PRICE: Cost of a product or services.

RESOURCES: Thing a person or a country has that can be used for economic benefit.

FACTORS OF PRODUCTION: Resource used to produce goods or offer services.

SUPPLY: Goods and services that are available for sale.

DEMAND: The amount of a product or service that consumers purchase at a specified price.

ECONOMIC POLICY: Actions that governments take to organize the economy.

CONSUMER: Person who uses goods or services.

PROFIT: Difference between what it costs to make something or provide a service and what it  is sold for.

INCOME: A company's profit in a particular period of time.

GENDER: The fact of being male or female, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences, not differences in biology.

RETIREMENT: The fact of stopping working because you have reached a particular age.

EMPLOYMENT: Work, especially when its done to earn money; the state of being employed.

ECONOMIC SECTORS: A part of an area of activity, especially of a country's economy.

SALARY: Money that employees received for doing their job. especially professional employees or people working in an office, usually paid every month.

WORKER STAFF: All the workers employed in an organization considered as a group.

OUTSOURCE: To arrange for somebody outside a company to do work or provide goods for the company.

CONTRACT: An official written agreement.

ILLEGAL: Not allowed by the law.

PRIMARY SECTOR: Activities involved in obtaining resources from raw materials. These activities are agriculture, livestock farming, fishing, forestry and mining. They are the oldest economic activities.

SECONDARY SECTOR: Activities involved in converting raw materials into manufactured products(industry) or building housing and infrastructure(motorways, reservoirs). They require a variety of energy resources.

TERTIARY SECTOR: Activities that provide services: education, healthcare, trade, tourism, transport...)


NATIONAL ANTHEM:A song that has special importance for a particular group of people, an organization,or a country, often sung on a special occasion.

POLICIES: a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed officially by a group of people, a business organization, a government or a political party.

NATION: A group of people who share common customs, origins, history and frequently, language.

STATE: The supreme public power within a sovereign political entity.

COUNTRY: A territory distinguished by its people, culture, language, geography, etc

INHABITANT: A person or animal that is a permanent resident of a particular place.

CITIZENS: A resident of a city or town, especially one entitled to vote and enjoy other privileges there.

WORLDWIDE: Applying or extending throughout the world; universal.

CIVIL SERVANTS: Government workers; usually hired on the basis of the competitive examinations.

TAXES: Money you have to pay to the government so that it can provide you public services.

BORDER: The line that divides two countries or areas.

LAW: The whole system of rules that everyone in a country or society must obey.

PLURALISM: The existence of many different groups of people in one society(people of different races, of different political or religious beliefs).

TO MANIPULATE: To control or influence somebody or something, often in a dishonest way so that they don't realize it.

INHERIT: To receive money, property,etc from somebody when they die.

ELECTIONS: The process of choosing a person or a group of people for a position, espcially a political position by voting.

BUDGETS:the amount of money you have available to spend.